What is System and it's Surroundings, Macroscopic Properties and Microscopic Properties

System and it's Surroundings, Macroscopic Properties, Microscopic Properties


System and it's Surroundings
Macroscopic Properties
Microscopic Properties

System and it's Surroundings : Any part of matter which is separated from its external entourage is called a body. All those objects which are outside the body but affect the behavior of the body are called entourage of the body. for example, Suppose there is a gas cylinder on which a piston is fitted and it is heated with a burner. Here the gas is a body while the piston and burner are entourage.

The behavior of a body can be expressed by two types of properties, macro properties and microscopic properties.

Microscopic properties : These are the qualities which (1) reflect the fat characteristics of the body, (2) can be measured in the laboratory and (3) can be experienced by the senses. They do not depend on the composition of the body. Thus in the above example, chemical composition (if any), pressure, volume, heat, entropy, etc. are the macro properties of the gas (body).

Microscopic properties : These are the qualities which (1) describe the internal structure (atoms and molecules) of the body, (2) cannot be measured in the laboratory and (3) cannot be experienced by the senses. In the above example, The mass, velocity, energy, momentum, etc. of a gas molecule are subtle properties of the gas. 

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